
HRPA – Level Up

Editor’s Column

Welcome to the new HR Professional Now.

How did this site come about? Well, like to many things in life, once we got rid of one thing, we discovered a treasure trove of what was truly important.  After doing away with the shackles of traditional industry reports and newsletters, we freed ourselves to build upon the wave of change and growth happening within the practice of Human Resources.

Right now, HR Professionals are front and center; leading the most important issues we face in our work lives.  The way people engage with their work is now a significant part of our human identity and experience.

We know that Better HR Means Better Business.  And, this site is yet another way to support that vision and grow the business-HR relationship.

We want to tell the stories of what matters most to Canadians, workers, and the businesses that drive our economy. We want to elevate the meaning of work and help improve the ways we work together every day. We want to challenge and expand what Human Resources can and should be for business and people.

This month, we cannot think of a more appropriate way to do that than by shining a bright light on our Frontline Workers and the businesses that supported them, and continue to do so, during the pandemic.  We want to provide a platform to share just a handful of stories and draw out the most pertinent of lessons. 

Many of our HRPA members are essential workers or have family members who have gone to work every day to keep Ontarians safe and ensure we have the services and supplies we need. Many of our HRPA members work for the most dynamic companies and industries in Canada and they faced challenges never before imagined.

We hope to acknowledge their experience and sacrifice.  We then want to honour it by translating that experience and adding to our field of HR best practices. 

As ever – we want to hear from you – our readers. Let us know what you think and if you have stories to tell. 

Enjoy and visit often,


The HR Professional Now Editorial Team


Once Ontario Schools Open, HR Professionals Need to Support Worker Flexibility and Family Needs

Currently, all eyes in Ontario are rightly focused on getting our children back to school in a safe and timely manner. Education in a safe setting is the priority, but once this is done, we must quickly turn to ensuring safe and healthy work environments for workers, including parents and caregivers.